Someone plugged off my computer

Ffffuuuuuucckkkk who tf unplugged my laptop? Almost all the works I have been doing since yesterday morning went to oblivion. I was working on an imageboard last night and I accidentally fell asleep when I took a little rest on my bed (I didn't even lie on, only sat). I made sure to plug my laptop in case I fall asleep (which I did) but I woke up only to see my laptop's screen dyed pitch black wtf it ran out of power I swear I didn't unplug it. It might have been unplugged by the tension but that's unlikely to be the case because I had been using my laptop for hours and that didn't happen. Gotta redo my works.
The project I'm doing is an imageboard like 4chan but written in Rust programming languange. I use Rocket http library and Postgresql for the database. Reddit says those are the best. I'm planning to deploy it on my school's server and make it open only to my school's students through school's computer network. It's going to be a pain in the ass but atleast I'm going to get recognition (or no?) and it's going to be in my CV.
fuck anyone who disturbs me and my works frfrfr no cap ngl